Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Rafting the Amazon: A Summary

In 3 days of rafting on the Amazon River I paddled a partially submerged raft made from 8 crappy balsa logs non-stop for a total of 7 hr 30mins, 11hrs 39mins and 8hrs respectively, at times through choppy water and storms, in the dark, and for the last mile against the current. I got blistering sunburn on my fingers and was in pain every day. I worked to the point of collapse. I got heatstroke. I got mosquito bites ALL OVER my bum and thighs. I have sweated beyond what I thought was humanly possible. I had to pee in my clothes twice and sleep on the floor in a room with some 150 other smelly rafters with rats crawling over us. Oh yes and I caught ringworm off a street dog. I saw another raft get smashed under an oil ship, people get towed from the water after collapsing from exhaustion and one person suffer a heart condition out on the water. I have suffered, people! I worked so hard for those pennies!!! I also got mugged in Iquitos the night before the race so don't have my own photos, but promise when I get my team mates pictures sent to me I will be putting pictures up.
On the flipside from all the treacherous water and hard work, I had an incredible bonding experience with my team mates and met some amazing people. I saw swarms of yellow and green and blue butterflies and was surrounded by curious pink river dolphins on a daily basis. I saw birds of prey cruising the riverbanks and smelled the lush earthy scent of the rainforest. I rescued a huge huge spider from drowning in the water, I beat a storm and felt the rush of survival and extreme accomplishment each day. I dined on local foods in jungle villages and saw incredible sunsets and lightening shows, and I fell in love.
I met my Dad for lunch today and he said he has never seen me look so happy or healthy! My muscles are huge!
This is my trip in a nut shell, but I will fill you in on all the gory details in the next couple of days in a big post from my journal notes.
Thank you everyone for helping me get out there and for raising so much money for Action4Cancer. :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are positively amazing! What a hell of a trip! Love your guts! xoxox Devon

October 07, 2010  

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