Friday, September 17, 2010

8' of rope in a bracelet = genius!

I was rudely awoken from my would-be lie in by the postie at 7.30am this morning, bringing me a parcel from my swordsmith and good all round buddy James (look up James always, without fail, sends me the most amazing birthday presents, usually handmade and or including a bottle of mead. This year my gift arrived early (today) and was a knife he made himself for me to take to the jungle, and also 4 bracelets (see left) woven from 8 feet of 550lb test strength paracord apiece, so we can look trendy and also have a decent amount of mega strong rope should we find we need it!! Needless to say I am chuffed to bits; well done James, and thank you, you are a star!

Whizzed into town this morning to pick up a few last minute bits- aluminium water flask, compact travel towel ( I have no idea how I've manage dthe amount of travelling I've done so far without these two items!!) and a waterproof bag liner. Ah and a set of combination locks for my bag, to replace the padlocks I already had, to remove the possibility of losing keys in the river (Beth's idea), which you know, if it's going to happen to anyone, it'll happen to me.

Have also invested in 4 multipacks of granola bars to keep up the old energy levels while we're pumping away with the paddles all day!

Tomorrow I'll be in town doing some fundraising, but for Cancer Research UK, rather than Action4Cancer. You see my friend Hilary, who did a lot of fandraising for me for my trip, mainly does work for Cancer Research, and was short staffed for a big thing called Painting the Town Pink this weekend in Cambridge, so she called in a favour and it was only right that I assist. We will be stationed on the Pink Bus, which will be functioning as a mobile treatment salon, where people can come onboard and donate a fiver in exchange for a back massage or manicure, things like that. I'll be dresing up in pink and going down there (outside the big Boots in main town), between12 noon and 4pm, come and say hi!!

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