Awol Animals!
I have already fallen off the wagon with updating daily- the problem is too much stuff is going on! Belly dancing was fun!! As was the date night with Irene. Since then both Eddie rook and Titus tortoise have had adventures, but both been retrieved unscathed. I have discovered a funny trick with Eddie- if he is on my shoulder and I lie belly down on the floor he won't jump off, just sits on my back. If I start rolling, he stays on top of my body like a barrel rolling acrobat. Very amusing, will try and post a video at some point.
Had a really great time at the Natural History Museum in London last night catching up with some buddies who I kayaked across Scotland with this May. NHM runs occasional "lates". This one was called Science Uncovered, and consisted of over 400 scientists doing Q and A sessions, lectures, tours, displays etc, booze, music and a midnight finish. What a darned good idea! We had a great time broadening our minds and feeling like naughty kids for drinking cider in the museum, the people watching was fantastic and we met some really interesting people too. My highlights were getting a beetle that mumfound in the bath this week identified ("Devil's coah horse beetle") and correctly guessing that a particular pickled specimen I saw being wheeled past me earlier in the evening was a humpback whale foetus! I caught up with said specimen later on quite by chance and had a fabulous time chatting with the guys from the cetacean research department of ZSL who were looking after it for the evening. Thanks boys!