Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Devon: Chud Monster

Some of you may remember a couple of pictures previously that I take much delight and fascination in.... Devon's chewing gum habit. An avid gum fan but ever the economist, she won't throw away her gum when she wants to eat and then replace it with a fresh piece. Instead she saves her gum- usually in an interesting and gross place!!! Previous pictures have included the side of a cocktail glass and rim of coffee cup in starbucks. Now I list, with the aid of photography, other meals that have prompted this interesting behaviour... Those with a weak stomach may wish to turn away now!
Celery sticks and cream cheese

Chocolate brownies

Licking out the cake mixture bowl

popcorn and a movie

Tuna pasta... see top of fork. Now that IS creative!

On the dashboard!!! GOOD GRIEF!!! (can't remember what the other food here was though)


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