Monday, November 21, 2005

James and Paul Do Hawaii: Part 1: Guy Fawkes

My friends from Wales, James (above) and Paul visited at the beginning of the month so this post begins the illustrated accounts of some of what we got up to while they were here...


We couldn't have a bonfire because our garden is too small, and we couldn't have fireworks because they're illegal, although the boys manages to get some sparkly fire crackers on the sly under the counter from some bloke in town, although we didn't do them in the end as my housemates were worried about us getting busted. So we ended up having a BBQ and we made a guy from a corn on the cob I'd eaten, with a marshmallow head and arms made from a palm leaf. My housemates thought it wasn't a very nice tradition to burn a figure on a bonfire but the little ritual pleased us, while we imagined the huge fires, fireworks and festivities that would be going on back home.


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