Friday, April 28, 2006

Gigs Galore!!

Sorry again for lack of pics, will try soon, I have lots too!!

Hello all, and sorry for the lack of adventures of late- it’s not because there hasn’t been any, rather there’s been SO MUCH going on, I’ve barely had time to fart, let alone relay them to you via the blog!!

So for this part I will talk about none-work stuff! The excitement in the old social life just before, and the night I moved back, was going to see a couple of live bands with my friend Ceris, the primary small mammal keeper on the farm who joined the company about a year or so ago, and we quickly became friends. The first band we went to see were Feeder, playing in London. My friend Stan works doing tech and rigging for bands on tour so got us on the guest list (thanks Stan!!!) and our free tickets included the after show party, but unfortunately we lost one of the tickets so missed that bit. It didn’t matter though because it finished so late anyway and we had a wicked time. I got the train from Cambridge, where I was staying with my mum and sister at the time, and Ceris drove down from the farm in Oxford.

A week or so later, we went to see the Levellers play at the town hall in Cheltenham. It was the final date of their last tour of all time so we were lucky to get tickets! I hadn’t seen them since I was very young and the gig was awesome. The guy who plays the fiddle is so amazing. For the encore the lights all went out and then a guy in glowing UV makeup came on the stage and played a didgeridoo through a special microphone. The sound went right through your body, trembling and buzzing your guts, putting goose bumps on your skin and making the hairs on your neck stand on end. It caused some primeval tribal stirring in everybody standing there open mouthed and soaking up the sounds and feelings. Then all the rest of the band came in, mainly drums and fiddle and it was SO GOOD!!

Friday, April 21, 2006

Nick Holmes! This is your post!!

OK, first I had better explain what this is all about for the benefit of those currently thinking, "why doesn't she just send this geezer and email??" Well I'll tell you why... people like to see their name in lights! Also, because the focus of the personalised blog posts I've promised to a few people are things that I've found myself talking about more than once with people before, so putting such subjects on the blog make a good point of reference and may prevent unneccessary lengthy discussions and/or scribbling on resteraunt napkins or pub beermats in the future (although I fear there may be no stopping those aspects of my behaviour!!). So here goes, Nick, this one is for you, I hope you like it.....

Gemsbok, AKA [Southern] Oryx, Oryx gazella


The Oryx is a large, South West African antelope, with a bovine appearance, and long (60-150cm!), straight, backward facing ringed horns. They measure 115-125cm high at the shoulder, are 180-195cm long and weigh 180-240kg (that’s almost 4 times my weight!!). They occupy arid grassland and desert habitats and occur in herds of about 25 individuals, consisting mainly of females and their calves, and a few males. Lone bachelor males were also a frequent sighting for me while I was on safari.

They have many clever adaptations for surviving in their harsh environment, such as very dry droppings, powerful kidneys that produce highly concentrated urine, and they don’t sweat or pant until their bodies reach temperatures in excess of 45 degrees C, plus are able to voluntarily raise their body temperature from 37.5 C to that figure in order to delay evaporative cooling- all to conserve water.

Their diet is mainly grasses and low growing shrubs, plus wild cucumbers, melons and similar succulents to obtain the moisture they need. A Namibian bushman told me that even when the rains come and desert waterholes form, he very rarely, if ever, saw Oryx drink from them.

Oryx are nomadic and can cover great distances with ease on their long, sturdy legs. If a bushman wishes to marry, he must demonstrate that he is worthiness to the girls’ father, so he and other suitors are sent into the desert to kill an Oryx. This is no easy task in the desert! Tracking and navigation on foot can be hard in the unforgiving environment, and the chase may go on for days. And the men have only traditional weaponry of course. The first young hopeful to return with the tail of the Oryx he has killed wins the hand in marriage, and a feast of the animals’ meat is had by all.

Speaking of feasting, I was told that Oryx meat is quite delicious, and in Swakupmund in Namibia, my friends all ordered Oryx steak, which they all agreed was very tasty. I tried some too, but being a vegetarian and rather repelled by meaty smells tastes and textures, didn’t find it all that appetising!!
See you soon, and thanks for the photography exhibition! Green Shoe Fairy!